
Ongoing project to ban horse-drawn carts in Chaco

The Commission on Natural Resources and Environment has started a round of consultations with institutions and neighbors to unify a bill that promotes **banning horse-drawn carriages in Chaco**. The consultation took place at the "Nilda Telma Farre de Vaernet" Auditorium,...

Tragedy at the Rosario Racetrack: horse sacrificed after breaking its front legs

The **(** after breaking its front legs and the jockey was fired. Immediately, the animal tried to stand up and couldn't, and moments of anguish were experienced at the **Rosario Racetrack**. The incident **happened during a race**, very close to...

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New Installation of Urban Sound Insulation with Solar System in Austria

A new solar installation has been completed at Landstraßer Gürtel, in the 3rd district of Vienna, combining energy production...