
La Pampa: controversy and conflicting accounts about the pollution of the Colorado River.

In La Pampa, a strong controversy is raging over an issue that is not new: the contamination of the Colorado River. There are conflicting versions and accusations between the residents of 25 de mayo and the authorities, both municipal...

What is pollution?: What are the five types that affect the planet

According to experts, pollution occurs when harmful substances or elements are introduced into an environment, disrupting its natural balance. These pollutants can vary in their impact, depending on their toxicity and concentration. Although it is often associated with human...

Pioneering invention transforms pollution into plastics and fuel on a massive scale.

A team from the **MIT** set out to transform **CO2 pollution** into ethylene, a chemical substance used in the (https://noticiasambientales.com/compromiso-ambiental/disco-de-vinilo-con-plasticos-recuperados-del-oceano-asi-sera-el-nuevo-de-coldplay/) and fuels. Currently, ethylene is obtained from petroleum and its price is $1,000 per ton. This technology can also produce...

Are rain gardens the solution to flooding and pollution?

Climate change has led to more frequent and extreme natural phenomena. Therefore, it is essential to create solutions to mitigate the consequences. In this context, rain gardens emerge. One of the main causes of water pollution, in addition to floods,...

This European city banned smoking on the streets to reduce pollution.

The city of **Milan has banned smoking on the streets** starting in 2025. This is in case a **distance of at least 10 meters** cannot be respected with respect to other people. The goal of the Italian fashion capital is...

Innovative: They created a filter with squid bone and cotton to remove microplastics.

Chinese scientists have taken a step further in the fight against microplastics. They have created a **filter with squid bone and cotton** that promises to eliminate 99.9% of this material. The **plastic pollution** is a global problem that directly affects...

Beach pollution in Brazil already affecting tourists: authorities’ warnings

In the last few weeks, pollution on beaches in Brazil has raised concerns among tourists. This has triggered a health alert that affects both locals and foreigners. The problem arises in the water and is present in many of the...

China intensifies gold mining in Congo’s jungle declared a World Heritage Site

The **Okapi Wildlife Reserve**, a (https://noticiasambientales.com/compromiso-ambiental/la-unesco-inscribe-13-nuevos-lugares-como-patrimonio-de-la-humanidad/) located in the jungle of the Ituri province, in eastern **Congo**, is facing serious threats due to the **expansion of gold mining** led by the Chinese company Kimia Mining Investment. This development is taking...

Concerns about the environmental impacts of a liquefied gas ship project in the Golfo San Matías

As the Vaca Muerta Oil Sur project progresses in Río Negro, a new concern arises regarding the environmental impacts of the South Energy project to install a floating gas liquefaction unit (FLNG) 4 to 6 kilometers off the coast. This...

Contamination reported in Lake Lácar: what happened

The NGO Friends of Patagonia alerted and expressed concern about the contamination in Lake Lácar. They reported the spill of treated sewage into the waters. The cooperative in charge, on the other hand, stated that it was a temporary "malfunction"...

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A turquoise paradise between Catamarca and Tucumán: the Aguada del Cobre river.

At the border between Catamarca and Tucumán, there is a corner of extraordinary beauty that seems to be taken...