During the course of a week, an alarm was raised due to the appearance of seven **turtles (https://noticiasambientales.com/animales/muerte-de-peces-en-calamuchita-por-la-contaminacion-en-el-embalse-de-rio-tercero/)** on the Argentine Atlantic coast. These were specimens of the **Leatherback** species, sighted between **February 9 and 15**.
This occurred in different...
The **loggerhead sea turtle** (or caguama) uses the **Earth's magnetic field** to create a personal map of its favorite places. Research once again demonstrates the incredible ability of migratory animals to orient themselves.
Some species that travel long distances across...
In the last two weeks, more than 400 sea turtles, mainly of the species olive ridley, were found dead on the east coast of India, near Chennai. This tragic event is the most serious recorded in over two decades,...
In the **Kerkennah Islands**, an archipelago off the coast of **Tunisia**, a group of students watches as the turtle Besma returns to the sea after receiving treatment at a **floating hospital** installed on a barge, unique in the region.
The shell of the **hawksbill turtle**, admired for centuries for its elegance, became a symbol of luxury that **brought this species to the brink of extinction**. Smithsonian Magazine highlighted how **indiscriminate hunting**, combined with the impact of **climate change**,...
The 3D printer is one of the technological products that offer the most possibilities to users who know how to unleash its potential. We are facing devices capable of saving some unfortunate animals, for example, they help sea turtles...