Scientists have discovered a revolutionary way to convert industrial waste into a vital material for batteries. This breakthrough could have a significant impact on technology for storing renewable energy.
The waste molecule, triphenylphosphine oxide (TPPO), is produced during the manufacturing...
During 2024, Veolia reaffirmed its environmental commitment in the province of **Misiones** through sustainable waste management by its subsidiary Aesa Misiones.
The company receives, collects, transports, and operates in two landfills, handling household, hazardous, and pathogenic waste.
## Greenhouse Gas Emissions...
Humanity is facing a severe crisis: it generates between 2.1 billion and 2.3 billion tons of municipal solid waste per year. A large part of these wastes, from food waste and plastics to electronic products and textiles, emit greenhouse...
The implementation of the universal charger in the countries of the European Union is a reality. This European directive will allow consumers to use a single charger model, with the aim of reducing millions of tons of electronic waste...
The government announced that it will not renew decrees 1040/20 and 70/23, which since 2009 banned the export of scrap metal. The measure, communicated by the Minister of Deregulation and State Transformation, Federico Sturzenegger, reopens the possibility of commercializing...
The tropical paradise of Bali, with its iconic white sandy beaches and turquoise waters, is facing a serious environmental crisis. Plastic pollution has become a global issue reaching alarming levels on this Indonesian island, putting its ecosystems, economy, and...
A potential use of coffee may not only be in starting the day, but also in its leftovers. These can play a revolutionary role in the construction industry.
A recent study published in the Journal of Cleaner Production has shown...
In the context of the Coastal Census and Cleaning Program promoted by the provincial Government of Chubut, the technical team of the Secretary of Environment and Sustainable Development Control collected more than 100 kilos of garbage on Santa Isabel...
Following the success of the Interceptor 005 in Malaysia, supported by Coldplay and christened as 'Neon Moon I', we will now deploy a second Interceptor, currently in assembly, destined for the Cisadane River in Jakarta, Indonesia: the Interceptor 020,...
River Paraná garbage is a visible issue. Various initiatives seek to clean the shores of the islands, involving kayakers in waste collection campaigns.
During a recent session, more than 30 kayakers collected hundreds of kilos of garbage, and now plan...