Intensive training on coexistence among large felines: what was the activity like?

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More than 30 professionals participated in Misiones in an intensive training on coexistence between large felines and farm animals.

The activity took place in Península Andresito and was held over two days on December 11 and 12.

It was led by the team from Projeto Onças do Iguaçu and organized jointly by Fundación Vida Silvestre Argentina, Aves Argentinas, and Proyecto Yaguareté (CeIBA-CONICET). Theory and practice were combined to provide a comprehensive approach to the work.

Coexistence between large felines: how was the training

During the first day, attendees delved deeply into the situation of the jaguar, an emblematic species essential for ecosystem balance.

Participants learned about the characteristics of this feline, its differences with the puma, and the factors influencing conflicts with human activities.

According to the organizers, a key point was the identification of situations predisposing to predation on agricultural establishments, as well as the development of tools to differentiate tracks and damages caused by different species.

Training in Misiones: coexistence of large felines. (Photo: press). Training in Misiones: coexistence of large felines. (Photo: press).

Good practices in cattle, sheep, and goat farming that improve productive performance while reducing conflicts with wildlife were also shared.

The second day took place at the Reserva Natural El Puente Verde of Aves Argentinas, where participants put into practice what they had learned through role-playing dynamics. The simulations allow the recreation of real conflict scenarios with wildlife, analyzing key variables and proposing specific solutions for each case.

“Great progress”

“This course concludes a year of great progress in this strategy of coexistence with large felines in Península Andresito and is a joint effort among different institutions for the conservation of the jaguar and its habitats,” expressed Rodrigo Fariña, coordinator of Proyecto Bosque Atlántico at Aves Argentinas.

Workshop Workshop on coexistence with large felines – © Proyecto Yaguareté.

The initiative takes a step further in harmonious coexistence between human communities and wildlife in the area.

By strengthening the capacities of local actors, the aim is to promote sustainable practices that minimize conflicts and ensure the conservation of the jaguar and other wild animals.

The event had the support of the Ministries of Ecology and Agriculture and Production of Misiones.

It also brought together experts from various institutions, such as the Environmental Police, National Parks, provincial park rangers, representatives from INTA, Fundación Vida Silvestre Argentina, Proyecto Yaguareté, Aves Argentinas, and Güirá Oga, among others.

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