Discover the ancient secrets of scorpions: surprising curiosities

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Scorpions, members of the order Scorpiones, are arachnids whose existence on Earth extends for more than 435 million years, according to National Geographic.

This incredible longevity makes them witnesses to the evolution of a world in constant change.

## Diversity and Adaptation
Contrary to popular belief associating them solely with arid deserts, scorpions have colonized habitats ranging from tropical jungles to high-altitude mountains, demonstrating an extraordinary adaptability.

Even in inhospitable environments for other species, scorpions thrive, symbolizing resilience.

Currently, it is estimated that there are over 2,000 documented species of scorpions, with numbers increasing thanks to new scientific discoveries, according to Muy Interesante.

This diversity is reflected in the specific characteristics of each species. For example, some barely reach two centimeters, while others, like the Emperor Scorpion (Pandinus imperator), can exceed 20 centimeters.

## Efficient Feeding
A fascinating peculiarity of these arachnids is their feeding method.

Unlike other predators, scorpions use digestive juices to decompose the tissues of their prey before sucking up the nutrients in liquid form, according to Scorpion World. This method is highly efficient and perfectly adapts to their metabolic needs.

Furthermore, their diet is not limited to small insects or arachnids; some species, like Centruroides sculpturatus, can hunt small vertebrates such as mice.

There are over 2,000 documented species of scorpions

## Resistance to Extreme Conditions
According to studies mentioned in National Geographic, some scorpions can survive extreme conditions, such as overnight freezing, regaining mobility upon exposure to the sun’s heat again. This recovery capacity highlights their adaptability to drastic changes in the environment.

## Behavior and Reproduction
Although they are usually solitary, certain social behaviors are observed during mating. The courtship includes a “dance” where the male guides the female to deposit his spermatophore, a structure containing sperm.

Moreover, scorpions are viviparous, meaning that the offspring are born alive. Mothers protect their young by carrying them on their backs until they develop a strong exoskeleton, which is unusual among arachnids.

## Threats and Conservation
Despite their fascinating characteristics, scorpions face significant threats. Among them, capture for the exotic pet trade, the use of their venom for medical purposes, and habitat loss due to urban and agricultural expansion. Natural predators such as birds, lizards, tarantulas, and small mammals like meerkats also pose a danger to them.

## Ecological Importance
Scorpions play a crucial role in ecological balance, controlling insect populations and other invertebrates in their ecosystems. Their presence indicates the health of an ecosystem, thriving in balanced environments with suitable climatic conditions and food availability.

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