Outrage in Entre Ríos: killed a puma and displayed it on social media.

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A recent episode involving a poacher caused outrage in the community of Entre Ríos. He killed a puma and showed it on social media.

It happened in Paraje Cuchilla Federal, about 20 kilometers from Larroque, in the Gualeguaychú Department. This is a specimen that belongs to a protected and rare species in the province.

He killed a puma and showed it on social media: outrage in Larroque

Outraged neighbors began to report after the publication spread on social media. However, this did not progress judicially due to lack of evidence, as they argued.

The puma species is protected by law and considered rare in the province.

The publication on social media that caused outrage.

Although the hunter deleted the photos afterward, some neighbors managed to capture the images and even a video to report to the Gualeguaychú Cattle Rustling Brigade.

“We provided names and surnames, the place where the incident occurred, photographs, and even a video,” said a denouncing neighbor, as reported by the Center for the Study and Defense of Wild Birds (Ceydas).

However, despite these reports, the Cattle Rustling Brigade unofficially responded that they did not have enough evidence.

“This event, which repeats itself more and more frequently, once again exposes the total inability and disinterest of the Entre Ríos state in controlling hunting and the enormous risk that wildlife faces due to this lack of control,” criticized Ceydas in a social media post.

How to protect endangered species

Cómo roteger especies en peligro How to protect endangered species.

The problem of poaching is not exclusive to Entre Ríos. Many Argentine provinces face this plague for protected species, and some stricter measures have begun to be implemented.

For example, Córdoba recently approved a modification of Law 6.964, on Protected Natural Areas, with the aim of protecting endangered animal species and recognizing “natural monuments” of native flora and fauna.

The approved project, promoted by Abraham Galo (Hacemos Unidos por Córdoba) and Brenda Austin (Unión Cívica Radical), includes the modification of four articles (33, 34, 35, and 36) to prevent alterations to their environments, commercial exploitation, hunting, or any action that jeopardizes the species.

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