Three talkative parrots from the Amazon region were admitted to the Wildlife Conservation Center.

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Three talking parrots from the Amazon, an overo lizard, a picahueso, and four purple-crowned fairies arrived at the Wildlife Conservation Center (CCVS) in San Luis to begin their quarantine and recovery.

Confiscations and actions by the Environmental Police along with the Wildlife team of the Secretariat of Environment and Sustainable Development continue during the summer.

Confiscated specimens

According to information from security forces, the confiscated specimens were being marketed through social media and instant messaging services via fake profiles. The specimens are in the care of veterinarians and park rangers to be able to recover.

It is important to remember that the immediacy with which the alert is acted upon allows technicians (caretakers, veterinarians, and biologists) to provide the correct assistance, so that the animal goes through a quick recovery and can be reintegrated into its habitat.

On this occasion, the animals that entered belong to native wildlife such as the overo lizard, as well as the purple-crowned fairies and picahuesos. While the talking parrots are species that inhabit the north of our country (Chaco, Santiago del Estero, Salta, Jujuy, Formosa), and also in the north of our province.

The species is considered an umbrella or flagship species, as through its presence and conservation, other native flora and fauna species are indirectly protected.

Habitat of the overo lizard

The overo lizard inhabits all ecosystems of San Luis, adapting to different types of environments, being able to be found both in the forest and in grasslands, and near bodies of water. When born, they are light green, metallic, and shiny.

Another of its most representative characteristics is its diurnal habits, they are very active in spring and summer, hibernating the rest of the year. They are good diggers, so they make their own burrows; sometimes they are found in abandoned vizcacha burrows.

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