Unprecedented: airplane turbine successfully powered by hydrogen

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Reducing emissions from flights and the aviation industry in general is a huge challenge for the coming years. On this path, an encouraging milestone was reached: they managed to power an airplane turbine with hydrogen.

This substance was chosen as the best alternative energy source for airplanes, as well as for many industries.
## The hydrogen-powered airplane turbine
During 2024, there were different research efforts aiming to create aircraft engines that are more environmentally friendly than combustion ones. In this line, this development emerged: a hydrogen turbine with air change.

The airplane engine powered by hydrogen is now a reality. Now, the company Safran, thanks to a collaboration agreement with Turbotech and Air Liquide, which focuses on managing the storage and handling of cryogenic hydrogen, took another step.

hydrogen production Uses only green hydrogen.

They managed to use liquid hydrogen to power a turbine engine for light aircraft.

“This is a major step forward in the transition to completely decarbonized aircraft propulsion, which will be ready to fly as soon as the world mass-produces green hydrogen,” expressed Damien Fauvet, CEO of Turbotech in a statement.

Likewise, Xavier Traversac, vice president of Air Liquide Advanced Technologies, also expressed his satisfaction. “We are proud to participate in this project as a recognized expert in hydrogen technologies,” he said.

“Hydrogen is one of the key elements in the energy transition and this success is another step towards low-carbon flight,” he added.
## The acid test
This revolutionary research achieved its first major success a year ago: on January 11, 2024. That day, Safran and Turbotech tested the TurboTechants TP-R90, a small turboprop engine designed for two to seven-seater aircraft that runs on hydrogen gas.

Aviation is responsible for 2.5% of global CO2 emissions.

This demonstration was part of the BeautHyFuel project, a collaboration of mostly aviation companies seeking to explore the potential for the use of hydrogen in light aviation.

Well, a year later, more precisely on January 13, Turbotech, Safran, and Air Liquide, with the support of the French Civil Aviation Authority, successfully tested a turbine engine powered by liquid hydrogen.

This is a great starting point to make commercial flights with zero carbon emissions possible.

“By coupling our technology with Air Liquide’s cryogenic storage system, which provides the necessary energy density for aircraft applications, we have demonstrated that a complete high-tech propulsion solution with zero carbon emissions in flight is possible and can be directly integrated into light aircraft,” emphasized Pierre-Alain Lambert, Safran’s Hydrogen Programs Vice President.

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