Coastal erosion: Loss of Buenos Aires beaches deepens

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During the last years, an unusual event raised the alarms of experts in coastal regions, as for some time, **the beaches in Buenos Aires have been suffering from [loss of space](**. This is due to the fact that over time, coastal erosion has caused the loss of about one meter per year.

While it is true that soil erosion is a natural phenomenon due to the “sudestada,” what is not normal is **the speed at which this phenomenon is occurring**.

In fact, one of the factors contributing to the acceleration of erosion would be the **advancement of urbanization**, along with the **concentration of resorts**, poorly planned **coastal defenses**, and other issues affecting the beaches of **Mar Chiquita, Villa Gesell, Necochea, and Pinamar**, which is the most degraded.

In this regard, the Institute of Marine and Coastal Research was responsible for presenting the report on the advances of erosion on the [beaches in Buenos Aires]( to the Ministry of Environment of the Province of Buenos Aires, which must **take the necessary measures to halt coastal erosion**.

La reserva natural de Mar Chiquita.

## What is soil erosion and what are its consequences?

According to experts, **soil erosion is the wearing away of the soil’s surface layer, caused by wind, water, or human action**. This loss of fertile land has consequences such as desertification, loss of biodiversity, and water pollution.

Among the causes are **natural factors like water, wind, or gravity**. However, it can also be caused by human activities such as urbanization, intensive agriculture, roads, and deforestation. This phenomenon can have consequences such as:
– Decreased land productivity, affecting agricultural production.
– Contamination of water sources.
– Desertification.
– Affects ecosystem biodiversity and leads to habitat loss.

Source: Diario El Día de La Plata

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