Report in Mar del Plata: a mega real estate project will be developed next to a nature reserve

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One real estate megaproject and a strong accusation on the matter is keeping the city of Mar del Plata on alert.

Authorities are promoting the construction of a complex of 9 buildings, while neighbors and activists claim it will bring serious environmental consequences. This is because it will be built next to a reserve that is also an archaeological site.

A select group of private developers along with representatives from UOCRA (the construction union) and public officials emphasize that real estate projects will bring progress and more jobs.

On the other hand, a large portion of the Mar del Plata community is criticizing and filing complaints, pointing out serious legal and technical shortcomings when granting permits that “do not consider the environmental and social consequences.”

The real estate megaproject putting Mar del Plata on alert

La Reserva Explanada is a real estate megaproject aiming to build 9 buildings, each 12 meters high with underground parking, on one of the southern beaches of the city (on route 11 KM 530, Alfar neighborhood).

Accusations in the city of Mar del Plata. Accusations in the city of Mar del Plata.[/caption>

The project reached the Justice system with accusations from various institutions, experts, and residents of Mar del Plata who oppose it due to its environmental, housing, archaeological, and tourist impact.

Are the works starting?

As detailed by EldiarioAR, to start the construction, the trust is awaiting the Environmental Impact Statement, among other pending permits. Without this, the construction company CROMAR SA, which is part of the project, cannot proceed.

However, various real estate agencies in the area leaked to the same media outlet that since late 2023, lots with apartments divided into 9 modules have been on sale.

Main points of the accusations

The chosen location is one of the major points of contention. The land where the housing is planned is located on the first line of dunes adjacent to the South Coastal Forest Reserve.

It is an extensive section of the Mar del Plata coast that spans from the Lighthouse to Los Acantilados and is under the private domain of the anonymous society Playas del Faro, a company owned by the heirs of the founding Peralta Ramos family.

Additionally, the Regional Council of Architects of Buenos Aires district 9, in an extensive and detailed report, warned about multiple negative consequences.

These include environmental fragility, clearing of planted species, the impact on dune removal.

Furthermore, the danger posed by constructions that seal the terrain and can cause increased flooding both on the project site and in neighboring neighborhoods. The paleontological and archaeological value that is not being taken into account and access to public beaches, among other conflicting points.

The controversial ordinance

Mar del Plata, the quintessential tourist city on the provincial coast. What’s happening in Mar del Plata.

According to the accusers, the issue arose at the end of 2022 when the Deliberative Council of General Pueyrredón approved ordinance 25,848/222 in an “express” legislative process.

This allowed for expanding the possibilities of building multifamily homes in dune fragility and forest reserve areas.

One of the latest actions highlighting the conflict was a march organized by the South Beaches Assembly on Sunday, the 12th, in “defense of the public southern beaches,” which started along the coast from Corrientes stream and moved to the Green World Educational Reserve.

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