What is climate change and what are the consequences for the planet?

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Despite the fact that extreme natural phenomena and their effects are becoming more visible, it is not always entirely clear what is climate change and what its consequences are for the planet.

Therefore, it is worth clarifying that the Earth has undergone significant climate changes throughout history, always due to natural causes. However, the current one, also known as the “climate crisis,” is very different from previous ones. Essentially for two reasons: its causes and its speed.
### What is climate change and what causes it
Climate change is the long-term alteration process of global climate patterns, especially in terms of temperature, precipitation, and extreme weather events.

While it can be caused by natural factors, as it has occurred for millions of years, in recent decades it has intensified due to human activity. Particularly due to the burning of fossil fuels, deforestation, and industrialization.

![What generates climate change.](https://noticiasambientales.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/dia-contra-cambio-climatico.jpg)
Scientists point out that the main cause is the emission of GHGs or “greenhouse gases” as a result of this activity. These increase the Earth’s atmosphere’s ability to retain the Sun’s heat, leading to the phenomenon of global warming.

While the atmosphere is composed of various gases that, in the right proportion, fulfill their purpose.

The problem arises when human activities increase the emission of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere and it retains more heat than necessary, causing the planet’s average temperature to rise.
### The speed of climate change
The current climate change is happening very rapidly, making it very difficult for both nature and societies to adapt to the new conditions.
### The alarming thaw
![Thaw, a product of climate change.](https://noticiasambientales.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/cambio-climatico.webp)

The increase in greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere causes a significant rise in air and ocean temperatures.

Therefore, the total mass of snow and ice decreases. This reduces the volume of glaciers and permafrost. The ice disappears faster than it is replenished, which also contributes to the rise in sea levels.

All these factors add up and interact, breaking the fragile terrestrial ecosystem balance. This leads to a chain reaction of negative situations and processes, resulting in the current climate change and its dreadful consequences.
### Consequences
This phenomenon generates a series of adverse effects, including rising sea levels, ecosystem disruption, and an increase in the frequency and severity of phenomena such as droughts, storms, and heatwaves.

It also has a direct impact on agriculture, biodiversity, and human health, becoming one of the greatest global challenges.

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