Since the 1960s, it has been known that some species of fungi have a very high resistance to radiation, with some even “feeding” on it.
Some of them grow in adverse natural contexts, such as on the slopes of the mountains in Antarctica, where the levels of ultraviolet rays are among the highest on the planet.
## The Chernobyl Fungus
In the late 1980s, Ukrainian scientists discovered a black fungus similar to mold that was growing in the remains of reactor 4 in Chernobyl. This fungus not only survived the radiation levels present in the building but also appeared to increase in size.
Researchers realized that the Chernobyl fungi seemed to be radiotrophic, meaning they actively seek high levels of radiation and feed on it, using it as a source of energy.
Studies showed that fungal cells like Exophiala dermatitidis and Cryptococcus neoformans grew much faster when exposed to high levels of radiation.

## The Role of Melanin in Chernobyl Fungi
Melanin plays a key role in this process, acting as a radioprotective shield and an energy transducer that can detect and harness the energy of radiation in a similar way to how photosynthetic pigments harness the energy of sunlight.
With no decomposing vegetation to feed on, fungi resort to other mechanisms to obtain energy.
## Historical Adaptation
This adaptation of fungi has historical precedents in Earth’s history when the planet had high levels of radiation.
Evidence of melanization has been found in many fungal fossils, especially in periods of high radiation when many animal and plant species became extinct.
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