The biodiversity of trees drives fish richness in the Amazon.

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According to a study published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States, the species richness of fish in the Amazon is determined by factors such as the extent of the flooded forest, tree diversity, and the duration of flooding.

This conclusion is the result of an international team of scientists who conducted the first major assessment of freshwater fish inhabiting the over 6 million square kilometers of the Amazon forest, of which 15% remains flooded for much of the year. In this environment, there are about 29 species of frugivorous fish, distributed in 9 different lineages.

This is how they discovered that frugivorous fish, whose diet is mostly based on fruits, migrate through the seasonally flooded forests of the Amazon basin and play a crucial role in seed dispersal.

In this regard, Colombian scientist Sandra Correa, from Mississippi State University, explains that studying these species became a real challenge, as their migratory cycle spans several countries. Over four years, researchers collected over 300,000 records to describe the interdependence between fish and the Amazon forests.

![Pirarucu. Photo: Faunia.](×225.jpg)
### Synchrony and Discoveries of a Large Number of Fish Species
The study revealed an annual synchronization between forest flooding and fruit production by trees, allowing fish to feed and disperse seeds in the ecosystem.

For this, about 140 Amazon sub-basins were analyzed, showing that fish richness is directly related to the duration of flooding and the variety of tree species.

### Threats and Conservation
On the other hand, researchers pointed out that the main threats to freshwater biodiversity include deforestation, changes in land use, dam construction, and pollution. For this reason, Sandra Correa highlighted that dams, by causing permanent flooding, hinder tree survival, alter ecosystems, and affect food availability for local communities.

To protect these ecosystems, the study recommends adequate environmental management, including tree replantation in deforested areas, the conservation of intact forests, and the protection of key areas, such as floodable forests located between western Brazilian Amazon and the Andes.

“Each frugivorous fish species has a favorite fruit. To maintain forest biodiversity and ensure sustainability, it is vital to preserve the diversity of fish that perform this crucial function,” concludes Correa.

![Candiru. Photo: iNaturalist.](×112.jpg)
### What Fish Species Live in the Amazon?
In the Amazon, there is a great diversity of fish, including emblematic species such as:
– **Pirarucu:** Also known as paiche or arapaima, it is one of the largest freshwater fish in the world. It can grow up to 4.5 meters long and weigh over 250 kilograms.
– **Piranha:** A carnivorous or omnivorous fish that can measure between 15 and 25 centimeters long.
– **Candiru:** A parasitic fish that enters the cavities of other animals to feed on their blood.
– **Electric eel:** It can grow up to three meters long and produce electric shocks of up to 850 volts.

Other fish species found in the Amazon include bocachico, lisa, sardina, manitoa, pez lobo, bagre, catfish, tambaqui, armored catfish, and striped pancakes, among others.

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