Old garbage dumps in Lomas de Zamora are transformed into new green spaces for residents.

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Through the Comunidad Lomas Limpia program, the Municipality of Lomas de Zamora eliminates **old garbage dumps** that produce [pollution hotspots in the neighborhoods](https://noticiasambientales.com/residuos/limpieza-en-lago-gutierrez-200-kilos-de-residuos-recogidos-en-cuatro-horas/) and transforms them into **new green spaces** with native plants.

Recent Operations and Transformation of Old Garbage Dumps

One of the recent operations was carried out in Virgen de Itatí and Falucho, in Albertina, where there was a **small garbage dump** where waste accumulated. After the cleaning, the crews **planted trees** and put stakes in the ground to protect them.

They also renewed the plants in the flowerbeds and did painting work on the surrounding walls.

At the end of last year, the dumps located on Celina Minetto and Camino Presidente Perón (Centenario); Falucho and Neuquén (Santa Marta); Presbítero Russo and San Blas (Temperley); Darwin and Pilar (Fiorito); Lattarico and Berutti (Banfield); and on Estrada Street at 700 (Lomas) were also eradicated.

Impact of Garbage and Municipal Measures

Garbage is the main [focus of diseases and pest proliferation](https://noticiasambientales.com/innovacion/nuevo-dispositivo-usa-senales-vibratorias-para-el-control-de-plagas/). It also generates bad odors, hinders circulation, and contaminates public spaces.

One of the measures promoted by the Municipality is that household waste must be taken out from Sunday to Friday, from 7 pm to 9 pm, with the aim of reducing **environmental pollution** and improving sanitary conditions on the streets.

Planning of Operations and Afforestation

Through the Comunidad Lomas Limpia program, simultaneous operations are planned every day, including **waste collection**, grass cutting, sweeping, and removal of branches, mounds, and debris.

Meanwhile, afforestation is carried out in public spaces, entrances, and institutions to **embellish the neighborhoods** and continue raising awareness among residents about the importance of their care.

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