Native forests

Misiones requires Dos de Mayo to reforest the area with native trees after logging.

By decision of the Ministry of Ecology and Renewable Natural Resources of Misiones, the municipality of Dos de Mayo must plant more than 100 trees. This measure was taken after the locality felled native trees on a municipal site,...

Millionenstrafe für Abholzung von einheimischem Wald in La Pampa auferlegt

The **General Directorate of Natural Resources of La Pampa**, under the leadership of Carlos Bonnemezón and dependent on the Ministry of Production, fined the owners of a field in the Loventué department with a **fine of $1,874,182.40 for the...

Controversy over Salta’s new territorial zoning: allows deforestation of 700,000 hectares

The Senate Chamber of the Province of Salta approved the new map of Native Forest Territorial Planning (OTBN) in Salta. The updates are mandatory by law, but the details of this modification have sparked strong criticism. The map allows the...

Satellite technology to protect native forests in Salta.

In the province of Salta, **native forests** have a new ally in their protection: **satellite technology**. This monitoring system allows real-time observation of forest coverage, detecting activities such as illegal logging or uncontrolled fires. Thanks to this tool, it...

Últimas noticias

Living on the edge of danger: houses built on risky slopes in Bolivia

Surrounded by built and destroyed homes on a hillside in La Paz (Bolivia), at the end of a collapsed...