Strengthening the powers of the environmental police in Córdoba and creating the Environmental Administrative Court.

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In the 22nd Ordinary Session of the 146th Legislative Period, a **Law in Córdoba** was approved that establishes sanctioning provisions in **water**, **environmental**, and **natural resources** matters. This change implies the modification of the powers of the **Environmental Police** and the creation of the Environmental Administrative Court.

The initiative aims to organize and consolidate sanctioning provisions, promoting the **separation of roles** between those who oversee and those who judge.

## Objectives and proposals of the new law
The project, presented by legislators Miguel Siciliano, Abraham Galo, Walter Gispert, Julieta Rinaldi, and María Victoria Busso, seeks to significantly advance in the **protection of natural resources** and the environment.

The legislators explained that the law has a dual purpose:
– Clearly establish the procedures and sanctions applicable to those who violate environmental regulations.
– Create a specialized body, the Environmental Administrative Court, in charge of independently resolving environmental infractions and sanctions.

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## Innovations and specific procedures
Before the approval of this law, in Córdoba, there was a multiplicity of rules regarding **environmental sanctions** with different fine units.

Among the novelties introduced by the new law is the unification of the **fine unit**, now measured in liters of fuel. Also, the incorporation of **coercive sanctions**, that is, daily fines to ensure compliance with the sanctions and remediation obligations imposed.

## Strengthening of environmental oversight
The Minister of Environment and Circular Economy, María Victoria Flores, highlighted that the approval of this regulation allows strengthening the functions of application, enforcement of sanctions, and effective **environmental restoration**.

“It is an improvement for **environmental oversight and control**. It is necessary to move towards effective sanctions and enforce them because environmental damage requires prompt action,” said the minister.

In 2012, with the creation of the Environmental Police, the powers to grant environmental authorizations and licenses were separated from those of control and oversight.

With the new law, a further step is taken towards efficiency in the protection of natural resources, separating control and oversight from **environmental sanctioning**. For this purpose, the Environmental Administrative Court is created, a body of technical specialization to carry out that task.

## Reduction of time and efficiency in environmental management
The objective of the law is to separate control bodies from sanctioning bodies, strengthening functions in each area.

The aim is to reduce the time of **procedures to better care for the environment**, achieve viability in environmental restoration, and avoid collapse in the resolution of cases, among other objectives, as explained by Adrián Rinaudo, Secretary of Environmental Police.

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