In the depths of the **Bolivian Amazon**, where the jungle hides ancient stories and traditions, the indigenous communities esse eja and tacana face a crisis that transcends generations. Nature, revered as a mother, is being poisoned by an invisible...
Peru is a country recognized for its production of copper, silver, and gold, which is why the waters near abandoned mines often have a rusty color. However, in this case, the cause of this strange coloration is climate change.
In the northwest of Argentina, the province of **La Rioja** is home to a site that witnesses a surprising **natural phenomenon**: the coexistence of two rivers, one yellow and the other black water, flowing side by side without mixing.
The project 'Consolidation of the Urban Wetland Mapocho Ecological Trail in Talagante as a tool for the development of regenerative cultures', led by the organization Front of River and supported by the Regenerative Common Fund of Lepe Foundation, seeks...