Hemp Cultivation: Making Agriculture Non-Toxic

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After several years of remaining in the shadows through speeches and prohibitionist advances, where hemp cultivation was shown as the worst of all evils, the day has come to resort to its use, utilization, and benefits again.

In Argentina, there is already high-quality food raw material extracted from hemp seeds. Obviously, of excellent quality and nature.

Planned Obsolescence

Due to the partial and/or total cancellation (depending on the latitude) of hemp plants since the 1960s, the world has advanced with other types of industries and exploitations that turn out to be very harmful to the planet.

Today, we are suffering from it, despite recent denialist political actions that do not address the socio-environmental problems we have been exacerbating.

Hemp production. Hemp production.

Since 1996, Argentina has had an agro-industrial model based on transgenic crops dependent on agrochemicals. These inputs are used on a large scale as part of a technological package. The most commonly used is the herbicide glyphosate.

Furthermore, in our country, we have the highest per capita application rate in the world, 12 liters per person per year. The presence of glyphosate and other agrochemicals has been detected in urine, blood, and human milk.

According to the report “The Fumigated Plate” published in 2024 by Naturaleza de Derechos: “More than 80 agrochemicals, of which 50% were banned in the European Union, 75% are classified as hormone disruptors and 49% are considered carcinogenic agents.”

However, in the face of this scenario, there is an alternative and option to production with transgenics and poisons: it is agroecology with hemp cultivation. Being a plant that is so versatile, it can adapt to almost any climate and soil.

It is an ancient crop, one of the first plant species to be domesticated by humanity. In fact, nowadays in Argentina, there is a renewed interest in hemp plants to produce food raw materials from the seeds.

Our Daily Bread

Argentina (through the company Bioceres) promotes genetically modified wheat that allows the use of a very harmful agrochemical in its cultivation.
The HB4 is the first transgenic wheat approved in the world for cultivation and
human consumption.

Hemp derivatives. Hemp derivatives.

It has been planted in our country since 2022 and is sold to mills and bakeries. Although there is no information about which companies use this wheat for their products, nor is there any
labeling of genetically modified foods.

But with the cultivation and processing of hemp, food products like bread can be made? The answer is yes, and with great nutritional values. Hemp seeds are considered a superfood for being high in proteins, fiber, omegas, amino acids, micro and macro nutrients, among others. Gluten-free, cannabinoids-free, and GMO-free.

“Out of the Oven”

Hemp Agroecological hemp.

It is urgent to collectively grasp the seriousness and magnitude of this issue and to promote a social debate on the need to replace this ecocidal model, valuing agroecological practices and returning to cultivation alternatives like hemp.

It is necessary and essential to foster a feasible and necessary path to produce healthy, safe, and sovereign food.

Source: Recetas Cañameras

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