A strange event took place in the deep waters off the coast of California, when researcher Alison Laferriere from the Scripps Institution of Oceanography found an enigmatic oarfish, known as the "fish of the end of the world". While...
In the vast expanses of the Nevada desert, United States, an innovative energy project has emerged that defies expectations. The plant known as Project Red extracts heat from the depths of the Earth to generate electricity, without depending on...
A birthday celebration at a school in the United States turned into an unfortunate event due to something unusual. A teacher caused her students a possible poisoning with dog food.
The teacher, by mistake, offered her students what she thought...
Giraffes are the tallest land animals in the world, but also the most threatened, as they face a serious crisis. Over the past years, this species has suffered an alarming decrease in their populations, caused by habitat loss, poaching,...
In 1940, a creature sneaked into an island in the USA and devoured everything. Today, only **two of the most feared species** by humans coexist alone.
In **Guam**, an island of the United States in the Pacific, the presence of...
Bridgestone has announced that it has received a grant from the United States Department of Energy (DOE) to design, build, and operate a pilot plant for the production of butadiene from ethanol for more sustainable tires.
This project will assess...
At this time, there are 43 monkeys loose in South Carolina, United States. They escaped from a medical research facility in the city of Yemassee.
For this reason, authorities have alerted the population to keep doors and windows closed.
These specimens...
Sustainability Initiatives
Marco Velotta, the city's sustainability officer, highlighted that efforts began in 2005 and accelerated with the Recovery Act in 2009, allowing an initial investment of $75 million in sustainability projects.
Despite the population increase, water consumption has decreased significantly....
Every year, 36 million tons of CO2 are released into the atmosphere, the main driver of climate change. Most of the emissions from the countries that pollute the most come from the use of fossil fuels, the generation of...